The awards took place in Seville, Spain on Thursday, November 25th. It is a conference for marketing and communication agencies.
Great international opportunity to do some B2B Networking!
Honored to have been selected to attend the Agripina Awards in Spain
Check out our CEO Debra Dixon-Anderson on Podclair talk about returning to work after reopening and what we will be doing to help our customers transition and adapt their business to the current situation.
In light of COVID-19, Light of Gold PR is excited to announce the launching of a new initiative, The Gold Wellness Circle! The Website Platform will feature Physical and Mental Wellness classes to help people get through these troubling times. Click here for our Press Release:
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we will be hosting a breakfast with guest experts; to share tips and strategies on Wellness, Self-care, How your Personal brand evolves with your health, Financial Wellness and more!
Debra Dixon-Anderson, CEO and Founder of Light of Gold PR, giving a speech on her Breast Cancer journey and giving tips on self-care and personal branding.
Partnered with The American Cancer Society, this is Debra's journey with breast cancer. Watch as she talks about her experience from her diagnosis to overcoming it, and creating The Gold Wellness Circle out of her passion to help her community, especially to the women who are fighting breast cancer.
Join us for our in-person 2023 Gold Women's Business Connect Conference on Friday, March 31st from 8:30a.m - 12:30p.m located at Mercy College on 47 W 34th St., 4th Floor New York, NY 10001.
The 2022 Gold Women's Business Connect Conference was such a great experience last year so I hope that you can make it to this year's conference!
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500 8th Avenue, Suite #1552, New York, NY 10001
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